Spring 2020 Course Options

Spring 2020 Undergraduate Course Options

THE123 - Introduction to Catholic Faith

Mr. David Conrad will take you on a journey to solidify your knowledge of the faith and go deeper into what we believe and why we believe it. This course will help you build a strong foundation and provide you with skills necessary to study theology and defend your faith.


THE210 - Intro to Liturgy and Sacraments

Dr. Matthew Gerlach will open up to you the beauty and power of the Sacred Liturgy and the Seven Sacraments. You will dive into the invisible graces which are made visible through sacramental signs.


THE219 - Introduction to Catholic Church

Dr. Donald Wallenfang beautifully illustrates the rich history of the Church and unpacks how Christ fulfills God’s plan through the establishment of the Church.  Students will explore Vatican II and key Church documents to shed light on the Church’s purpose in the world.


THE249 - Introduction to Sacred Scripture

Experience drama of salvation history in the Old and New Testament with Dr. Mary Healy. Learn the love story of God with his Chosen People and the covenants He makes with them. See how He ultimately fulfilled all promises through Christ in the New Covenant.


PHL 400 - Philosophical Foundations I

Dr. Elizabeth Salas will introduce students to the nature of the human person and what makes humans different from other beings. She will help you to see what makes it possible for us to know the truth.




Spring 2020 Graduate Course Options


LS575 - Sacramental Life of the Church

Fr. Pieter Van Rooyen will cover in-depth all seven sacraments and how they relate to one another.  Go deeper into the beauty of eucharistic prayers, sacramental rites, and sacramental preparation. Spend time pondering the Holy Eucharist - the source and summit of our faith.


NE865 - Theology of the New Evangelization

Dr. Robert Fastiggi guides students through key magisterial documents and theological commentary which illustrate the growing need and importance of the New Evangelization. Learn what the Church teaches us about the New Evangelization in order to better bring the Gospel to the world.


PM 520 - Dynamic Parish Leadership

Dr. Donald Wallenfang reveals insights into the inner workings of parish life while also introducing you to the practical skills for becoming the best version of yourself as a leader within a parish community.


SP760 - Women & Christian Tradition

Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway accompanies students on a walk with the women of the Church from centuries past and the present. Learn of their theological, spiritual, and pastoral contributions to the Catholic faith.


ST501 - Mission and Ministry

Dr. Matthew Gerlach will lead students through an analysis of Scripture and Church documents to better understand the mission of the Church.  A special focus will be placed on the priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission of the laity, bestowed upon us through baptism, and how that is lived out through ministry and mission in the world.



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