Audit Policy and Post-Master Audits

Audit Policy: Students who wish to audit a class must register for the class on an audit basis.  Registration must be completed in person by fax, or by email (no online registration is available for audit status).

An auditor participates in class simply as a listener and does not submit work for evaluation. The audit grade of “AU” is entered on the student’s transcript; the AU grade is not included in the grade point average calculation. Courses taken on an audit basis do not meet degree requirements. If a student wishes to receive credit for a class previously audited, the course must be repeated on a credit basis. Attendance is required to audit a course successfully. Failure to attend audited classes may result in an administrative withdrawal from the class. Only lecture-based courses may be audited. Courses that focus on the development of written or oral communication skills or that rely heavily on class participation may not be audited. Further, independent study, internships, or similar courses, and online courses may not be audited. 

Students who register for credit and wish to change to audit must make the change by the end of add/drop week unless otherwise approved by the dean of studies. Students cannot change their status from audit to credit after add/drop week. Full tuition and fees apply to audited courses.

See Academic Catalog, page 70

Post-Master Audit: SHMS encourages graduates to maintain a commitment to lifelong theological and pastoral education. To that end, SHMS offers a post-master audit rate to alumni from the School of Theology of SHMS or the former St. John Provincial Seminary. Qualifying alumni may audit one course per term for $100.00, plus applicable fees. This includes library privileges. Post-Master Audit students must submit a brief application to the Office of Admissions in order to re-activate their file. Post-Master Audit students must register using a paper registration form and clearly mark “Post-Master Audit” on the top of the registration form.
See Academic Catalog, page 67


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