Welcome, Commuter Students!
Welcome to Sacred Heart Major Seminary! We are committed to helping form and equip you for the ministry and mission to which our Lord Jesus calls you, unleashing the Gospel wherever you are.
The seminary building and grounds are open to commuters from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. daily, seven days a week. Sacred Heart Major Seminary welcomes commuter students to the campus during these regular seminary hours. Please note: hours of specific seminary facilities may vary and are indicated below.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding commuter student facilities or services, please contact the Institute for Lay Ministry (313-883-8520).
The Institute for Lay Ministry hosts socials throughout the year to welcome and show appreciation for our commuter students. These socials are typically held the first week of the fall, winter, and spring semesters and once after midterms. Please join us on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm. Dates for these socials are posted in the institutional calendar.
Athletic Facilities
The outdoor track is available for commuter student use during daylight hours. (All other athletic and exercise facilities are reserved for use by seminarians only).
Chapel & Daily Mass
The seminary community welcomes all students and the public who wish to participate in the weekday Eucharistic celebration of Holy Mass in the main chapel at 12:05 pm, Monday-Thursday. If Mass should be cancelled, this will be communicated to students via their SHMS email address. Those joining the celebration are invited to pray in the spirit and customs of the community. Commuter students are encouraged to use the chapel for private prayer outside of seminarian liturgical celebrations. We ask everyone to foster appropriate quiet and reverence at all times and avoid using the chapel as a shortcut. The chapel is open to commuter students during the following times:
Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. | 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m. |
Thurs. | 8:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. |
Sat. | 9:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. (except 5 o’clock hour) |
Sun. | 12:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. |
Chapel reservation requests for special group events must be made in writing to the Rector.
All classrooms are open during the seminary’s regular hours (8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. daily). We ask that you use classrooms only for classes in which you are enrolled (see course schedule) and do not use the classroom computers and technology without instructor supervision (e.g. for a student presentation). We ask all students to help keep the classrooms orderly and clean.
Anyone wishing to use a classroom outside of a class meeting must obtain written permission from, and schedule your event through, the registrar’s office.
Libraries & Quiet Study Space
While the Cardinal Szoka and Ward libraries are ideal for quiet study and work, the Student Lounge is intended to be a common room that fosters relaxed conversation and fellowship. There are also four computers and a printer as well as Wi-Fi and computer access to the internet. A student bulletin board shares commuter student council agendas and minutes, lay formation opportunities, and other information. There is also a Commuter Student Community board that students can post fliers on regarding events they wish to advertise. Students must seek permission from the ILM before posting fliers to this board. Please email fliers to [email protected] for permission to post.
Everyone is expected to follow the library Quiet Policy posted near the Szoka circulation desk. Please note: Food and drink are prohibited in the libraries.
Students seeking a quiet place to study will find Ward Library especially well suited and beautifully adorned.
Lobbies (ground floor and first floor)
The two lobbies near the main seminary entrance are ideal places to meet up with other commuter students briefly before going to the refectory, library, or class. Since special events are frequently hosted in the parlors adjacent to the first floor lobby, we ask you to be mindful of your volume as you pass through or meet in the lobby.
Student Lounge & Computer Room
The student lounge is available to all SHMS students, commuter students, and seminarians. The lounge is an ideal place to stop and relax between classes or after a long day at work before heading off to class. The lounge includes a small kitchen making it possible for commuters to store and prepare food from home. In addition, students are welcome to help themselves to a cup of coffee or tea with the Keurig coffee maker and snacks. (Donations are encouraged.) Seminarians are also invited to use this space. Located conveniently toward the front of the building, seminarians may use this comfortable space for such things as meeting outside friends or their classmates from off campus.
While the Cardinal Szoka and Ward libraries are ideal for quiet study and work, the student loung is intended to be a common room that fosters relaxed conversation and fellowship. There are also four computers, a printer, and a whiteboard, as well as Wi-Fi and computer access to the internet. A student bulletin board shares commuter student council agendas and minutes, lay formation opportunities, and other information.
The student lounge is located halfway between the front lobby and the gymnasium. It is open to use by commuters during the seminary's regular hours (8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. daily).
Mother’s Room (for nursing mothers)
A comfortable, private room is available to nursing mothers (near seminary’s entrance, on the second floor, room 232B). It has a refrigerator, electricity, a sink, and a bed. A key for this room may be signed out at the front security guard desk.
A secure and well-lit parking lot is available to all students and visitors. Parking space is usually plentiful unless there is a special conference center event. You are asked not to park in reserved faculty, staff, or resident seminarian parking spaces, nor in the service lot reserved for deliveries and service vehicles.
Refectory & Meals
Meals are served daily in the seminary refectory on the ground floor. A variety of food options are available. Commuters are welcome to enjoy breakfast Monday-Saturday, 8:00-9:00 a.m., lunch Monday-Saturday, 11:45-1:00 p.m., and dinner Monday-Sunday, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Sunday brunch is served 11:00-12:00 p.m. These hours of service may be affected by summer hours or holiday breaks, please call 313-883-8500 to confirm.
Permission to Use Seminary Facilities
Any room use by commuter students other than those indicated above needs express permission from the appropriate department. Contact the Institute for Lay Ministry for more information (313-883-8541). All other rooms and areas of the seminary are otherwise reserved strictly for seminary personnel, residents, or Archdiocese of Detroit conference center functions.