ACE GRANT: Catechetical Service Certification

Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, the ACE Grant will apply on an annual basis for those students serving in a catechetical ministry in a parish or catholic school within the Archdiocese of Detroit. The ACE Grant certification form will be submitted once annually to the Financial Aid office as early as possible to the beginning of the first term student will attend n the academic year.

The pastor will certify that the student will serve in the described catechetical ministry by signing the ACE Grant form. Catechetical ministry is described as the following: Parish catechists, DRE's, RCIA Team, Youth Ministry Team, Catholic School Religion Teachers, Adult Faith Formation leaders in programs such as ALPHA.

The student will certify to the following:

  • To promptly inform the Financial Aid office should they discontinue service in a catechetical ministry at any time during the current academic year. 
  • That discontinued service will result in the loss of aid from the grant. 
  • That the completed form should be present to the Financial Aid office as early as possible to the start of the first term attended in the current academic year. 
  • That the grant is applied term by term according to verified enrollment in an undergraduate or graduate course(s).

The student will certify the above by signing the form. Download the form here: Tuition Assistance for Catechetical Leaders.​

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